“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.”
(Proverbs 28:13 ESV).
As Christians we are people who believe we know the truth. And yet, the Bible describes truth as something God is constantly at work revealing to us in greater detail. There is a poregressive nature to how God operates in this world. This means that there are things we currently believe in this moment that God will bring greater clarity to in the next. We must live with a level of humility - do we hold categories for being wrong about people and situations? What do we do when we are wrong? The biblical response would be to hold things with open hands and admit when we are wrong (because we will be!).
Action: Anticipate being wrong about something this week. How will you handle it when someone corrects you or if you learn something that causes you to change your mind? Pray for humility and discernment this week in your interactions with others.