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American Heritage Girls Registration Night

We are excited to kick off the New Program Year and can't wait to see the adventures this year will bring!

This year the girls will have opportunities for camping and focus on serving in the community while making a difference in the world through partners like Operation Christmas Child. AHG MO2002 Badges will focus on Social Skills and Etiquette, learning more about our Creator through Bible Basics, exploring history through Freedom Seekers, adventuring in the outdoors through Nature and Wildlife, creating with Textile Arts, playing through Toys and Games, and venturing into the science of Birds.

Our Biblical focus for the 2024-2025 theme is VISION and was inspired by “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,” (Ephesians 1:18, NIV).

Every girl needs to know that there is a God who sees her in her high, low, good, challenging, exciting, and unpleasant life moments—and loves her at all times! This Program Year, AHG is exploring what it means to have a Biblical Worldview and to focus the EYES of your heart (your mind, will, and emotions) on Christ so He can fulfill your longing for belonging, speak truth into your identity, and be the lens with which you view the world. May girls discover God’s VISION for their lives so they can lead and influence their family, Troop, and community for Him! Join us this Program Year as we dive into the AHG Program Year Theme, VISION.

Bring your friends and parents to Registration Night, August 12 at 6:30 pm! 
